
These pages show selected photos from BayCon 2006. Use the navigation buttons at the bottom of
each page to navigate to the next or previous page, or to return to the home page. This year the theme was
'Tales of Purple Space'. We look lousy in purple, so you won't see much here.
Economics of Interstellar Warfare
The earliest risers at Collecting & Preserving Historical Software Panel
Harry Potter Wand Making Workshop
Extrasolar Planets Panel
Smoke and Mirrors Panel
Women in Beards Panel
Line for the Masquerade
1929 Phantom of the Opera - Red Death
(that's my boy!)
Qui Gon Jin and Darth Maul
King Arthur and Squire (I think he's Not Dead Yet)
from 'The Spam-ish Inquisition
A Go-Go Boy from Jupiter
and James, The Master of Toast
Trailerpark, fewer costumes, same 200 fans
Beautiful Hall costume Monday morning
Killing Bill, Hall costume
One of our resident space scientists, Hall costume
Pirates Second Annual Pub & Plunder session
"Leave the silver until after we finish eating!"